Erik Feitag

b. 1940



Erik Freitag, born in 1940 in Vienna, studied violin at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and composition with Karl-Birger Blomdahl at the Royal Swedish Academy of Music. with Karl-Birger Blomdahl at the Royal Swedish Academy of Music.

From 1964 to 1967 he was a violinist with the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra in Stockholm and from 1967 to 1970 with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic.

In 1987, together with Eugene Hartzell and René Staar, he founded the Ensemble Wiener Collage, which focuses on the performance of contemporary works, especially by Austrian composers.

Erik Freitag received numerous awards and distinctions for his work as a composer (Composition Prize of the “Nordelbische Tage” Hamburg, BMfUK Prize, City of Vienna Prize, Theodor Körner Prize).
