Leland Albert Cossart

1877 - 1956



Leland A. Cossart was a Swiss pianist and composer.


Swiss pianist and composer.

After a brief stay in France, Leland A. Cossart began his studies at the Lausanne Conservatory in the piano class of Eugène Gayrhos. He continued his training in Dresden with Felix Draeseke. While he began a career as Kapellmeister at the Magdeburg Stadtheater and professor at the Dresden Conservatory, he was interred during the First World War, as an English national, then returned to Switzerland in 1921 and settled in Montreux, where he taught music.

He composed many works including a Nocturne for English Horn and Piano Op. 8 ; Five Lieder for Voice and Piano Op. 9 ; Suite for 10 Instruments and Harp Op. 19 ; Romance for Violin and Piano Op. 31 ; and Feirstunden des Meers Op. 26.
