For the Marian Consort

  • 5 min

Programme Note

Commissioned by the Marian Consort and premiered at the Kendal Midday Concert Club, Kendal Town Hall, 2nd November 2016.

Gaude et laetare, exultatio angelorum.
Gaude domini virgo, prophetarum gaudium.
Gaudeas benedicta, Dominus tecum est.
Gaude, quae per angelum gaudium mundi suscepisti.
Gaude, quae genuisti Factorem et Dominum.
Gaudeas quae digna es esse Mater Christi.
Gaude mater luminis.

Rejoice and be glad, you who are the angels’ exultation;
Rejoice, the Lord’s virgin, the prophets’ joy;
May you rejoice, blessed one, the Lord is with you;
Rejoice, you who received the world’s joy through the angel Gabriel;
Rejoice, you who bore the Creator and Lord;
May you rejoice, you who are worthy to be Mother of Christ;
Rejoice, Mother of Light.

Byzantine, 6th century or earlier; in Latin translation used in the Ambrosian Missal as the Transitorium for the Third Mass of Christmas.

Translation © 2016 Henry Howard



"Here the bells ring out in a tour de force of rousing harmonic daring."
Malcolm Riley, Gramophone Magazine
"...Cheryl Frances-Hoad’s Gaude et laetare is aptly described by Alexandra Coghlan as “a thrill-ride of an anthem”. The parts tumble over one another in a manner that’s somewhat akin to (deliberately) chaotic bell peals. Just to add to the excitement, glissandi are thrown into the mix from time to time."
John Quinn, MusicWeb International


Music for the Queen of Heaven

Music for the Queen of Heaven
  • Label
  • Catalogue Number
  • Conductor
    Rory McCleery
  • Ensemble
    The Marian Consort
  • Released
    20th October 2017