The music of Benet Casablancas. Architectures of emotion / La música de Benet Casablancas. Arquitecturas de la emoción

This book is a portrait of the personality, life philosophy and artistic convictions of the composer Benet Casablancas, a creator who embodies the figure of the humanist musician like few others. A composer by vocation and a man of vast interests, he has been refining, with rigour, discipline and exigency, a musical language that combines tradition and avant-garde without impositions and that has made him one of the reference composers in musical creation in our country, reaching all genres, from vocal to instrumental music.
Over forty years of creative work, Casablancas has shaped a highly personal and independent language, characterised by a refined writing virtuosity and a powerful expressive force. His personality combines creative work with research and teaching, activities that he continues to develop with passion and dedication. All this, seasoned by a healthy sense of humour, keeps his creative spirit alive and alert, always committed to the new generations and the social reality that surrounds him. These and other facets are examined in the different sections of the volume, which include contributions from distinguished authors such as Jonathan Harvey, Rafael Argullol, Willian Kinderman, Antonio Muñoz Molina, Michael Musgrave, Fiedrich Cerha, Víctor Estapé, Pablo Moras, Benjamin Davies, Xavier Antich, Antoni Pizà, Susana Zapke and Germán Gan, and of the author himself, as well as a large chapter of testimonies, by prominent figures from different fields (writers, composers, critics, directors, performers, musicologists, cultural managers, poets) that attest to the international recognition of the composer, all under the coordination of the journalist and music critic Javier Pérez Senz.
The book is available to purchase from, and Amazon.
(Nov 2020)