Anna Thorvaldsdottir - Creative Chair at Tonhalle Zürich 2024/25 season

Anna Thorvaldsdottir - Creative Chair at Tonhalle Zürich 2024/25 season
Anna Thorvaldsdottir
© Saga Sigurdardottir

 Anna Thorvaldsdottir will be Creative Chair at Tonhalle Zürich for the 2024/25 season. Since 2015, the Tonhalle Orchester Zürich has invited a composer to be Creative Chair for each season, including, formerly, Arvo Pärt, John Adams, and Bryce Dessner among others.

From September 2024 to June 2025, a wide variety of Thorvaldsdottir’s compositions will be  performed, ranging from works for string quartet and ensemble up to large orchestral pieces. The season-opening concert will feature ARCHORA, conducted by music director Paavo Järvi.

Thorvaldsdottir is known for her large orchestral works, of which two will receive their Swiss premiere. First, in November, when CATAMORPHOSIS will be performed at Sonic Matter Festival Zurich conducted by André de Ridder, and then in April with the performance of METACOSMOS conducted by Eva Ollikainen.


Performance Overview

September 18-20, 2024: ARCHORA
Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, Paavo Järvi

October 24, 2024: Sequences
Haika Lübcke (bass flute), Diego Baroni (bass clarinet), Raphael Camenisch (baritone saxophone), Michael von Schönermark (contrabassoon)

November 29, 2024: CATAMORPHOSIS, Swiss premiere at Sonic Matter Festival
Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, André de Ridder

December 19, 2024: Mikros
Celloensemble of Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich

April 3-4, 2025: METACOSMOS, Swiss premiere
Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, Eva Ollikainen

April 6, 2025: Spectra, Shades of Silence, Excerpts from: Fingerprints, Sola
Anna Schudt (Reading), Peter McGuire (violin), Antonia Siegers-Reid (viola), Ioana Geangalau-Donoukaras (violoncello), Ulrike-Verena Habel (harpsichord)

June 19, 2025: Reflections
George-Cosmin Banica/Philipp Wollheim (violin), Gilad Karni (viola), Paul Handschke (violoncello)


For more information, see the website of Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich.

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