Commissioned by Tomoko Mukaiyama

  • Piano
  • 9 min

Programme Note

In January 1999, I was asked by Tomoko Mukaiyama to write a new piano piece for her. Originally she requested that the piece should synchronize with techno music chosen by her which would be pre-recorded on a tape. As we discussed the piece over the following months, we realized that a solo piano work without a tape part would be more substantial. However, the idea of techno remained constantly between us. Finally I wrote a set of three pieces, entitled 'Techno Etudes'. The idea of the whole piece can be summarized with the three key words; techno, rhythm and speed.

© Karen Tanaka 2000


Techno Etudes


Japan Now

Japan Now
  • Label
    Camerata Tokyo
  • Catalogue Number
  • Soloist
    Asuka Iino, piano
  • Released
    1st March 2017


  • Label
  • Catalogue Number
  • Soloist
    Signe Bakke, piano
  • Released
    20th February 2011

Amsterdam and Tokyo

Amsterdam and Tokyo
  • Label
  • Catalogue Number
    BVH 1000
  • Soloist
    Tomoko Mukaiyama