• Per Nørgård
  • Libro Per Nobuko (1992)
    (The Secret Melody)

  • Edition Wilhelm Hansen Copenhagen (World)

Dedicated Nobuko Imai (1) and Bo [Vincens Steensen-Leth] (2)
1: Sonata 'The Secret Melody' (1a Prologue, 1b Roaming, 1c Singing, 1d Playing, 1e Epilogue)
2: Bofast (in English: Resident.

A version for solo violin (by Heinrich Hörlein), and a version of the Sonata for violin and cello (by Jakob Kullberg, with the title SECRET VOICES) is also available.

  • va
  • vn
  • 18 min

Programme Note

LIBRO PER NOBUKO (BOOK FOR NOBUKO) consists of two pieces written for Nobuko Imai, the Japanese violist.

Dedicated Nobuko Imai (1) and Bo [Vincens Steensen-Leth] (2)

1: Sonata 'The Secret Melody' (1a Prologue, 1b Roaming, 1c Singing, 1d Playing, 1e Epilogue)

2: Bofast (in English: Resident)

The first (and longest) piece is a sonata in five movements called LA MELODIA SEGRETA (THE SECRET MELODY). The title is borrowed from a book by Trinh Xuan Thuan, the Vietnamese astrophysicist. Of the mysterious and inexplicable order of the universe he writes: Nature sends us the notes of a music formed by a melody that will remain secret forever.

The five movements of the sonata circumscribe a hidden melody: a clear melodic shape appears often enough, but it soon reveals itself as being part of another, superior melody - and so on. In this labyrinthine way the three middle movements, framed by a short prologue and epilogue, unfold different moods (roaming, singing, playing) in an eternal hide-and-seek of the melody (melodies).

The second piece for Nobuko, BOFAST (RESIDENT) is dedicated to Bo Vincens Steensen-Leth, in gratitude of the many and selfless services he has rendered to the musical audiences at the locality of Langeland, Denmark. The piece remains faithful to one single motif, a "resident", like Bo and his ancestors who have been residents at the manor house Steensgaard for over 400 years.

Per Nørgård, 1997



Singing Secrets

Singing Secrets
  • Label
  • Catalogue Number
  • Soloist
    Signe Asmussen, soprano; Irena Kavčič, flute; Helge Slaatto, violin; Anette Slaatto, viola; John Ehde, cello; Erik Kaltoft, piano
  • Released
    21st May 2021

Secret Melodies

Secret Melodies
  • Label
  • Catalogue Number
  • Soloist
    Rolf Hind, piano; Nicolas Hodges, piano; David Alberman, violin
  • Released
    September 2007