- Heitor Villa-Lobos
Saudade da Juventude (Memories of Youth) (1940)
- Associated Music Publishers Inc (World)
Programme Note
A symphonic divertimento.
Vida formosa (Wonderful life)
Ó Ciranda, ó cirandinha (Children's song)
A Gatinha parda (Little brown cat)
O Sim (Consent)
Mando tiro, tiro, lá (Ready, aim, fire)
Condessa (Countess)
Nésta rua (On this street)
A Cotia (Bird)
Na corda da viola (On the string of the viola)
De flôr em flôr (From flower to flower)
Vida formosa (Wonderful life)
Ó Ciranda, ó cirandinha (Children's song)
A Gatinha parda (Little brown cat)
O Sim (Consent)
Mando tiro, tiro, lá (Ready, aim, fire)
Condessa (Countess)
Nésta rua (On this street)
A Cotia (Bird)
Na corda da viola (On the string of the viola)
De flôr em flôr (From flower to flower)