• fl.ob+ca.cl+bcl/hn.tbn/pf.cel/str[]
  • 8 min

Programme Note

Hrím was written in late 2009 and early 2010 as a commission for The University of California at San Diego's New Music Ensemble to serve as a companion piece to Ligeti's Chamber Concerto.

The piece is inspired by the notion of dispersion, represented as release and echoing in the sense that single elements in the music are released and spread through the ensemble in various ways throughout the process of the piece. The music is in one short movement.

The work was funded in part by The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service Composers’ fund.

Programme note by Anna Thorvaldsdottir


Thorvaldsdottir: Hrím


Preview the score


It is interesting to encounter Thorvaldsdóttir’s smaller works having been immersed in some of her larger ones. While the processes and journeys are often the same, in these works they are laid bare - they’re more discernible to the listener, but at the same time they present different opportunities for the composer. Hrím, for an ensemble of 14 players, is a good example. (...) Hrím’s development is taut, tense, and focused… It also clearly introduces some of Thorvaldsdóttir’s regular processes while revealing more about her seductive ear for instrumental colour. (...) Throughout [Hrím] it feels as though the ear, rather than the brain, is in control. That tells you how well the piece works with Ligeti’s Chamber Concerto, but also why Thorvaldsdóttir is a composer from whom we will be hearing a lot more.
Andrew Mellor, Gramophone
1st January 2019
...impulses spread through the ensemble towards pronounced structural events (the Icelandic title refers to the gradual growth of ice crystals). One of them, a room-stilling open chord of two notes, resounds just under four minutes in, pregnant with tension. Another sees a coalition of low instruments blossom outwards together with dark, heaving severity.
Andrew Mellor, Seismograf
31st January 2018



  • Label
    Sono Luminus
  • Catalogue Number
  • Conductor
    Daniel Bjarnason / Snorri Sigfús Birgisson
  • Ensemble
    Iceland Symphony Orchestra / Caput Ensemble
  • Soloist
    Justin De Hart, percussion
  • Released
    23rd October 2020


  • Label
    Innova Recordings
  • Catalogue Number
  • Conductor
    Daniel Bjarnason / Snorri Sigfús Birgisson
  • Ensemble
    Iceland Symphony Orchestra / Caput Ensemble
  • Soloist
    Justin DeHart, percussion
  • Released
    25th October 2011