• any instruments
  • Voice, percussion, piano
  • 25 min
    • 30th March 2025, Stadtcasino, Basel, Switzerland
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Programme Note

Performance Notes
Instrumentation is open, although traditionally voice(s), piano, and mallet percussion have been a part of most performances.

The ‘chordal’ part (Main Theme) may be played by the piano and/or mallet percussion. Alternatively, players of single-line instruments may choose to play one of the lines in the Main Theme that falls in a register that is comfortable and will lend itself to balance within the ensemble.

Players may choose to play and repeat the layered cells at their own discretion.

It is possible to move between the chordal and layered elements, but the Themes must be repeated throughout each section by at least one player.

Each element (Theme, Cells) may be repeated ad lib. Cues to move to each next section may be visual, or a pre-determined musical cue.

The piece may begin with the poem [included in the performance scores]. Optionally, the players may choose to improvise using materials from the main body of the composition. This should begin quietly and sparsely, building intensity as the poem progresses, leading to the entrance of the Main Theme as the poem ends.


Jacaranda Chamber Ensemble
Georgia Mitoff, voice; Petr Kotik, flute; Amrom Chodos, clarinet; Joseph Ford, saxophones; Dennis Kahle, Jan Williams, percussion; Doug Gaston, piano; Benjamin Hudson, violin
Castle of our Skins, Challenge the Stats, Contemporaneous, Kyle Marshall Choreography, Lincoln Center and The Dream Unfinished




More Info

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