Unavailable for performance.

  • syn/5vc
  • Cello
  • 1 hr 53 min

Programme Note

Recomposed by Peter Gregson: Bach — The Cello Suites was released as a double-album on October 19, 2018 by Deutsche Grammophon as part of their ‘Recomposed’ series. The recording was performed by Peter Gregson (solo cello, synthesizers) and cellists Ben Chappell, Reinoud Ford, Richard Harwood, Katherine Jenkinson and Tim Lowe in AIR Studios in London, UK.

“Rather than thinking about Bach’s compositions as a two-dimensional painting, I thought about them as sculpture. So, although the object is the same, if you turn it around and see it from a different angle – shine the light on it in a different way – you get different textures; new shadows, new shapes appear; new pathways through the melodies and harmonies. The result is more like a suite of fantasias on a theme (of the original compositions), but still recognisably the same material... at least I hope so!” Peter Gregson


Peter Gregson: Bach Recomposed


"This ambitious project sees the gifted cellist and composer reworking all six Cello Suites."
Pwyll ap Siôn, Gramophone
"These suites rearranged for a five-personnel cello ensemble, analogue synthesizers and solo cello create a magnificent sound world."
BBC Music Magazine


Bach Recomposed by Peter Gregson

Bach Recomposed by Peter Gregson
  • Label
    Deutsche Grammophon
  • Catalogue Number
    0289 483 5529 7
  • Soloist
    Peter Gregson, Richard Harwood, Reinoud Ford, Tim Lowe, Ben Chappell, Katherine Jenkinson, cellos
  • Released
    19th October 2018