• Joby Talbot
  • Oscar (2024)
    (A new ballet about Oscar Wilde)

  • Chester Music Ltd (World)

Commissioned for choreographer Christopher Wheeldon by David Hallberg, Artistic Director of the Australian Ballet . World Premiere September 14, 2024.

Unavailable for performance.

  • Mz + 2(2pic).2(II:ca).2(II:bcl).2(II:cbn)/0+3f-hn.2(I:cnt).2+btbn.0/timp.3perc/2kbd.pf.hp/str
  • Mezzo-soprano
  • 2 hr

More Info

  • Oscar Wilde goes to the ballet
    • Oscar Wilde goes to the ballet
    • 14th August 2024
    • Joby Talbot and choreographer Christopher Wheeldon’s latest ballet Oscar to premiere in Melbourne this September.
  • A perfect match - Talbot and Wheeldon
    • A perfect match - Talbot and Wheeldon
    • 15th February 2024
    • The celebrated partnership between Joby Talbot and choreographer Christopher Wheeldon has resulted in 5 contrasting and individual works for the stage.