First performed on 22 April 2016 by Imogen Hancock and Jennifer Hughes in the PLG Young Artists Spring Series at St John’s Smith Square, London. Commissioned by the Park Lane Group.

  • ctpt + pf
  • Trumpet in C
  • 11 min

Programme Note

From 2014 to 2016 I was working with choreographer David Bintley on a ballet of The Tempest for Birmingham Royal Ballet. Many shorter solo pieces have emerged from this experience, including Ariel and Caliban.

Trinculo is the next in this series, depicting the court jester and his drunken revels with Stephano and Caliban. Their song ‘The master, the swabber, the boatswain and I’ appears in wordless notation, and the opening and closing fanfares are taken from Ariel’s music – Ariel being invisibly present during much of the action.

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