• Bernd Franke
  • And Why? (2010)
    (for five voices or mixed choir)

  • Henry Litolff’s Verlag GmbH & Co. KG (World)

Commissioned by Calmus Ensemble

  • S,A,Ct,T,B
  • mixedch
  • Soprano, Alto, Countertenor, Tenor, Bass
  • 15 min

Programme Note

For me, singing is the most intimate and human of all musical expressions.
In the context of an inspiring and expressive text, emotional worlds and thoughts can arise in the listener and performer that can address the mind and body simultaneously in a special way that can only be experienced through vocals.
When then an unrivalled ensemble such as CALMUS makes an appearance, the sum is clearly greater than its individual parts.116 is an exciting project and has brought me great artistic and human benefits as a composer.

Bernd Franke 2011 (Translation Edition Peters)

