- Ming Tsao
(Un)cover (2008)
(for ensemble)- Henry Litolff’s Verlag GmbH & Co. KG (World)
Programme Note
This 9–minute composition is a reference to Beethoven’s Opus 111, the monumental, majestic C minor style of the first movement and its powerful, punctuated gestures. Beethoven’s transcendent second movement (the Arietta and its variations) with its reconciliatory and redemptive sentiments never comes in (Un)cover, as if nervously waiting for something that has always seemed absent: the antecedent without its consequent. Uncovering the energies that would drive the work toward reconciliation and redemption are weighed down by this restless repose and ultimately usurped by an almost explicitly undermining sinking into noise that covers the piece, despite moments of delicate beauty and promise hitherto.
- Labelmode
- Catalogue Numbermode 268
- ConductorJonathan Stockhammer
- Ensembleensemble ascolta
- Released2014