Commissioned by Merton College

Unavailable for performance.

  • SSATBB; [org]
  • 4 min

Programme Note

Nocturn For SSATBB & optional organ

Iohannis nativitas, praecursoris Domini, ad promissa gaudia corda monet populi.
Deo Patri gloria, par sit honor Filio, cum Patre Spiritui compar veneratio.
Peter Abelard (c.1130) 

The birth of John, the forerunner of the Lord, directs the hearts of the people to their promised joys.
To God the Father be glory; may there be equal honour for the Son; may the worship of the Spirit be equal to that of the Father.
translated & reproduced by permission of T.E. Franklinos

When Benjamin Nicholas asked me to set this text, for Merton College Choir, I’m ashamed that I knew only of Peter Abelard by name. I loved the possibilities of musical light and shade in this text. The Nocturn service takes place very late at night (or extremely early in the morning), so the atmosphere is hushed, at first – the new baby, John the Baptist, arrives but anticipation of another even more important imminent birth means it’s hard to contain excitement, the singing leaps out with ’gaudia’/joys. In the introduction to the second verse/stanza quiet, nocturnal anticipation returns but it quickly overridden by ‘gloria’/glory and the optimism of further new life to come.

I have used the only surviving hymn melody composed by Peter Abelard as a basis of this piece and although I’ve gone for a more naturalistic setting of the text I’ve used a 7/8 time signature as a nod to the 7 syllables of each verse and because of its capacity to make you feel like your heart’s missing a beat, in all this anticipation and excitement.

I’m very grateful to Benjamin Nicholas and Merton College for this commission and to Tristan Franklinos for his inspiring translation and talking me through the words and their context.

Nocturn was commissioned by Merton College, Oxford and sponsored by Nigel Hamway. Nocturn received its first performance on Saturday, 22 June 2024 by the Choir of Merton College, Oxford conducted by Benjamin Nicholas.

RP, 26th January 2024.

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