• Anders Koppel
  • Three Sketches (2024)
    (Three Sketches for a clarinet concerto)

  • Edition Wilhelm Hansen Copenhagen (World)
  • (min.
  • 9 min

Programme Note

Three Sketches were originally drafts for my clarinet concerto in 2023 and were finished in 2024 as a separate composition. The instruments used are all members of the concerto orchestra.

The Three Sketches may be programmed together with the concerto, played by members of the orchestra, either as a standalone piece or each movement being played before the corresponding movement of the concerto.

The three movements may also be performed separately, the first one being written for clarinet, horn, bassoon and perc, the second one for two flutes, two oboes, contrabass and perc, the third one for string quartet and perc.

Anders Koppel, 2024

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