• 2(pic)23(Ebcl)2+cbn/4.2+pictpt.3.1/amp cel[=pf]/timp.4perc
  • 20 min

Programme Note

Gending is a Balinese word meaning simply instrumental composition and this work takes as its starting point the colours, textures, rhythmic patterns and formal procedures of Balinese music. IT is in no way at attempt to reproduce Balinese msuic on western instruments – this would be impossible for many reason, one being that the instruments of the gamelan are tuned to modes that are hard to reproduce on western instruments. It is simply one composer’s attempt to ‘recreate’ a music that had an enormous impact on him, and Geoffrey Burgon has drawn on Balinese music in seeral other pieces, notably ‘Think on Dredful Domesday’ and in his ‘Reguiem’. Gending is in five movements, and these relate to various forms of Balinese music ranging from the solemn ritualistic to secular theatrical and dance pieces. It is scored for woodwind, brass, celeste and a large percussion section, including vibraphone and marimba. It was written in 1968.